Monday, November 5, 2018

3 week Update

3 weeks have gone by now.  I feel like they have gone really fast now that I look back at them.  With Radiation, it builds up for 2 weeks, and then starts to come down after the 2 weeks have gone by.  I have experienced more hearing in my left ear, and a little less ringing.  Which is good.  My hair is still falling out, but not as bad as it once was.  I did not loss all my hair, just some of it, with lots of bald spots.  The doctor said it should come back, so I am praying for that.  My eyes have changed, but not to bad.  I just feel like a need a new glasses prescription.  I thought I would wait a little bit more before I called the eye doctor office.  I sometimes just like to have a break from all of the poking. 
I have started to understand my body, and what it needs in order to manage the Chemo Pill.  I found out that drinking small amount of water throughout the day, helps me to not be as tired.  I have increased my water, and have been better at drinking, and not waiting so long in between taking drinks.  That has helped a lot.  Being out of breath has been a side affect also, and taking deep breaths a lot helps with that. 
And life of 4 young kids has gone on as normal.  My oldest daughter told me that she feels that nothing has changed.  That I am normal, and if you did not know that I had cancer, then you would not even think I did.  That made me feel better.  I am not perfect, I still sit down and rest.  I still need help with household chores, and other things.  But for the most part I feel fine.  I am not as achy as I was a few months ago.  When I met with my Oncologist a few weeks ago, he gave me a shot in my arm it tells my body to hold onto the calcium.  That has also helped.  I got a flu shot because they don't want me to get the flu, plus I get one every year, since my husband works for the school.  Protect our family anyway we can.  My Oncologist was worried about the amount of dosage on my chemo pill, so I will still have weekly blood draws.  Just to make sure my blood levels don't get low. 
I have been eating good, not much nausea.  I have tried to get more foods that help you stay healthy.  Trying not to get sick.  I just continue to go forward.
I got to go this weekend to the Temple.  My calling in my ward is Young Women Adviser for the Beehives.  I sat in on the baptisms that my daughter did, and all the youth from our ward.  It was a neat experience.  My favorite part was when I just got to sit and listen to the spirit speak to me, and answer questions that I had for a while.  I just love the Temple and the feelings I feel when I am there.  Things are more clear there, then they are when I am just at home praying.  I am so very glad for that experience.  It was just what I needed that day.  I hope if you are an endowed member of the church that you take the opportunity to go and enjoy heavenly father's spirit in his house. 
Fall is always so Beautiful!  I just love these leaves, in my small town they have been so very beautiful, and the sunsets.  Enjoy this beautiful picture of a tree in our town!!


  1. I'm so happy that you're doing so well! I love Emily's thoughts she shared with you. She's such a great daughter! It sounds like you're doing all you can to feel your best, you are great! Love your thoughts and positivity! Love ya, Jenni

  2. Love you Annie! I am so glad to know you are feeling better and your body is working hard to get better. We want to hear your good day, bad day, and days in between so we can be part of your courageous journey, be there, and cheering for you on every steps of recovery. When you are in town and ever be bored 😆, please ping me. I would love to come visit you! Izumi
